
Showing posts from August, 2010

Kitties & DJs: sneak preview FALL collection childrens hats

Very soon available in my shop Miss Minoes on Etsy  : Baby and toddlers hats of organic cotton. The themes are favourite Miss Minoes themes: Kitty Hats and DJ Hats. NEWS: I'm planning to have a stall at the Sunday Market in Amsterdam on October 3rd, November 7th and December 12th 2010.

Why choose organic cotton...?

More awareness is needed about the toxics used in the main cottonproducing business. As a consumer I find that organic cotton products are usually only a fraction more expensive than chemical Euros/Dollars. But if you are looking at the REAL price we are paying, than a chemical cotton t-shirt costs a whole lot more! PLEASE do watch the video on Pini Piru's blog: Pini Piru: Why choose organic cotton...? : "The Conventional Trap from NI Magazine on Vimeo. And still most big company's use bad cotton instead of organic....! Why??"