2 Breakfast Shake Recipe: Detox with Barley Grass + Soy Protein Shake

Nowadays I usually start the day with either of these 2 shakes.

The Barley Grass Detox Breakfast Shake is a detoxing shake to start the day freshly.
I usually take these on my work-at-home days or weekend.
The Soy Protein Soy Shake is my energy shake, to get ready for a more physically demanding day at work.

Barley Grass Detox Breakfast Shake:
200 ml Coconut water
1 banana
1 tablespoon barley grass powder
1 tablespoon oat bran
1 teaspoon maca powder
10 drops Vitamin D oil
Extra fruit for taste variation: strawberries, blackberries, melon, pineapple.

All in the Magic Bullet blender...& breakfast is served!

You can also use wheat grass in stead of barley grass. Personally I find wheat grass to have a more earthier taste, barley grass has a softer taste and is less dominant.

Soy Protein Energy Shake:
200 ml soy milk (unsweetened)
1 banana
2 tablespoon (approx 25 gram) soy protein powder (unsweetened)
1 tablespoon milled flaxseed (my favourite is Linwoods with Q10 and nuts)
1 teaspoon macapowder
10 drops Vitamin D oil
Extra taste variation: 1 tablespoon raw cacao powder, blueberries, strawberries.

In the blender & ready to drink.

For me these shakes really helped me getting back my energy (and loose some weight along the way).
Above all listen to your own body. My story: I found that bread didn't give me enough energy, I always stayed hungry and ate without feeling fed.
So I changed my lifestyle: breakfast: shakes, lunch: yoghurt with muesli, protein powder & chia seeds, and I'm trying to avoid sugar and syrups as much as possible.
As for exercising: I decided to only do exercises I like. So no more guilt over having to go to the gym, instead I took Bollywood dance lessons: much more fun!


Nilam Ray said…
Fantastic Post! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating barley grass powder
Ava Harris said…
Thanks for sharing this informative information about oat grass powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!

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